Library English version

Tom Erik Hamre (head librarian)


Phone: 46540036

Fjellhaug International University College. Library

Sinsenveien 15

0572 OSLO

Welcome to the library at Fjellhaug!

The library at Fjellhaug supports our staff with teaching and research, and our students with their studies. External users normally get help via the libraries inter library loan system.

The library at the campus in Oslo uses the library system/library catalogue Mikromarc - and have self-service loan. You can access and search in the library catalogoe Mikromarc here. It is available in English (but subject headings only in Norwegian). Fjellhaug also have libraries at our Danish campuses - Aarhus and Copenhagen.

Lending regulations: books can be borrowed for four weeks, curriculum books for two weeks, refernce books one day (campus only), journals (campus only). Loans are personal and can't be forwarded to fellow students

Opening hours library and reading rooms: Monday-Friday 08.00-22.00. Saturday-Sunday 09.00-22.00. Closed in Christmas, Easter, other public holidays and summer holidays.

Find books (bibliographic/reference):

The first place to search for books is our library catalogue:

If we don't have the book you are searching for, the library can order an inter library loan. Ask the librarian for help:

  • ORIA (union catalogue for Norwegian university and college libraries)

Find e-books (fulltext):

We have som e-books from these platforms/vendors. The links below give access directly when on campus. Note that the number of licences for the different titles varies from 1 simultaneous user, to unlimited users:

  • EBSCO E-BOOK RELIGION COLLECTION (ca 7.000 e-books from different publishers)<access from home/off campus via OCLC login page>
  • EBSCO E-BOOK COLLECTION (same as above - but this one in addition also include a selection of curriculum titles)<access from home/off campus via OCLC login page>
  • PROQUEST E-BOOK CENTRAL (contains a selection of curriculum titles)<access from home/off campus via OCLC login page>

Find articles (fulltext):

Here you will find the library's subscribed articles material - <The links below give access directly when on campus. Access from home/off campus access via the OCLC login page>.

Journal databases:

  • ATLAS (fulltext articles and reviews of a selection of the journals indexed in i ATLA RELIGION INDEX. The newest volumes are normally not covered. Valuable source for theology and religion)
  • (Norwegian/Nordic journal database. Covers 60+ journals from 2000 onwards. Also contains some e-books. Covers social sciences, arts and humanities, and law studies)

Other databases:

  • (search for words in online dictionaries in English and Norwegian)
  • World Christian Database (find statistical information about religions, Christian churches, and people groups/countries)

Current journal subscriptions in full text:

Selection of open access journals in full text:

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