FIH is a research institution and thus provides tax deductions in addition to what you have given to non-profit voluntary organizations.

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Do you want to contribute to educating Christian leaders, employees and missionaries?

By supporting FIUC, you are helping to build a college where students receive a theology education of good quality, a learning environment with a focus on close engagement between students and their lecturers and on education and spiritual life, and a good social environment.

By clicking the button below, you can register as a monthly donor or give a one-off amount to 8220.02.91987.

A tax deduction is given for gifts to research institutions such as Fjellhaug International University College. Tax-free gifts to non-profit voluntary organizations are in addition to gifts to research. For example, you can give both to the Norwegian Lutheran Missions Association and Fjellhaug International University College with tax deduction. § 6-50 of the Tax Act. The tax deduction is calculated separately for both gifts.

Both individuals and companies/undertakings can give tax-free gifts. There is no minimum limit, tax deductions are given from the first kroner. If the gift is over NOK 10,000, a deduction of up to ten percent of income is given. If you earn, for example, NOK 400,000, you can get a deduction of up to NOK 40,000. § 6-42 of the Tax Act.

If you have any questions, you can contact us on 23 23 24 00 or

Together we can equip young people for work in church and mission. Thank you very much for your gift!